Thursday, September 25, 2008

The 2008 Apple iPod Awards!

With the release of the new iPod Touch, and the new iPod Nano, I decided to hold the 2008 Apple iPod Awards! Here are the contestants:

The smallest iPod around, let's welcome the iPod Shuffle!http://http//

The new kid on the street, and he's already that awesome rich kid with the big pool in his backyard, let's give it up for the iPod Touch! http://http//

With it's "shakeability" and "colorability", let's welcome the NEW iPod Nano!http://http//

And finally, it's that big, huge, video playing hunk 'o hetal that nobody wants, let's welcome the iPod Classic! http://http//

Please post which iPod you think should win in a comment. (Personaly, I going for the iPod Touch!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This blog is going from CP to Serious. Kinda.

Well, I decided, I'm going to turn this from a CP blog to a REAL blog. I started by deleting some of my older CP posts, and I'm sorry, but "The Club Penguin News!" will be stopped. I edited my sidebar and put in some more widgets. Please enjoy the new blog. (I even have a new font!)